Remote Support : TeamViewer
TeamViewer is a compact module that runs on your computer and allows EVOK technical services to provide remote technical assistance


Even in the unlikely event of a major disaster such as fire or a natural disaster, recover your computer system without delay.
Even in the unlikely event of a major disaster such as fire or a natural disaster, recover your computer system without delay.
An important part of backup strategy, “disaster backup” allows for a rapid return to a functional IT infrastructure, even in the event of a dramatic incident: fire, flood… The idea is assuming the worst, so that if it were to come to pass, the company return to work speedily.
Over the years, our team of EVOK specialists have implemented numerous disaster recovery strategies, many of which have saved some of our clients, because without applications and their data, a business doesn’t work.
EVOK is ready to prevent disaster by building a backup strategy that works for you. We help you define the frequency and scope of backups, to give you the confidence that should the worst occur, you have a permanent and secure backup of your IT resources.
EVOK  is ready to prevent disaster by building a backup strategy that works for you.
The Veeam ProPartner Registered Reseller  certification attests to our expertise and skills with solutions from Veeam Software
The Partner Asigra Certified Masters certification attests to our expertise and skills with Asigra backup solutions
Don’t hesitate to contact us for an appointment 
or a personalised offer.

EVOK Fribourg

Head Office - Altern8 SA
Rte des Daillettes 21
1700 Fribourg

EVOK Lausanne

Branch Office - Altern8 SA
Av. des Baumettes 7
1020 Renens

EVOK Genève

Branch Office - Altern8 SA
Grand-Rue 26
1204 Genève
ISO 27001 certification