HIN is the standard for data protection-compliant communication in the Swiss health and social system.
About HIN?
HIN is the standard for secure communication for healthcare professionals in Switzerland.
HIN guarantees trustworthy handling of patient data, because integral data and information security has been our core competence since 1996. Ninety percent of the relevant actors are HIN members. All service providers and other professionals connected to HIN as well as their facilities together form the HIN Community . They use the HIN connector to communicate securely , access HIN-protected applications, and collaborate securely .
Our services stand for secure communication , secure access and secure collaboration . Take advantage of this wide range of offers with your HIN connection and benefit from exclusive services.
HIN Mail protects the e-mail communication of the entire domain. E-mails marked confidential to HIN participants, but also e-mails to recipients without a HIN connection are automatically encrypted.
With HIN Sign, HIN members sign documents electronically - with their HIN identity . The data protection-compliant digital solution not only creates protection against counterfeiting, but also saves time and money.
With HIN Talk you can easily and securely send messages to other HIN participants , exchange files and make (video) calls.
File Box
HIN Filebox enables the sharing and joint editing of documents with professional colleagues. The data protection compliant cloud solution for the Swiss healthcare system.
Awareness Portal
This eLearning portal was specifically developed for healthcare professionals in Switzerland. All central points relating to information security are trained on the basis of everyday situations and employees are made aware of this over the long term.
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